AA Marathon Meetings
Location: All Rooms
Friday, January 24 |
Time | Meeting | Room | Host Group | Leader | |
4:00 pm | A Life Worth Living | Ventura Room |
Carry The Message Studio City Studio City |
Jamie F | |
4:30 pm | Willingness to Grow | Hollywood Room |
Sunday Speaker Cabrito House Canoga Park |
David P | |
5:00 pm | We Are Not a Glum Lot | Ventura Room |
Pacific Group Speaker/Discussion St. Paul's United Methodist Tarzana |
Erin S | |
5:30 pm | Spiritual Sobriety | Hollywood Room |
Women's Stag Hole In The Sky Canoga Park |
Diane D | |
6:00 pm | Avoiding the First Drink | Ventura Room |
Shakers Fellowship Group Glendale Glendale |
Michele R | |
6:30 pm | Carrying the Message | Hollywood Room |
We Are Responsible Christian Science Church Studio City |
Suzanne K | |
7:00 pm | Co-Dependency | Ventura Room |
Burbank Saturday Morning Womens Granada Hills Granada Hills |
Jessica M | |
7:30 pm | Restraint of Pen and Tongue | Hollywood Room |
Sobriety First Congregational Church of Chatsworth Chatsworth |
Sandy F | |
8:00 pm | Principles Before Personalities | Ventura Room |
Chapter 12 Men's Stag Christian Science Church Studio City |
Robert G | |
8:30 pm | Complacency | Hollywood Room |
Thursday Night Lights Cabrito House Canoga Park |
Brandon C | |
9:30 pm | Resentments | Hollywood Room |
Hole in the Sky - Participation Hole In The Sky Canoga Park |
Heather T | |
10:30 pm | Easy Does It | Hollywood Room |
Friday Night Newcomers Unitarian Universalist Church Studio City |
Katie H | |
11:00 pm | Being of Service | Ventura Room |
Sobriety Together Discussion St. Andrews Church Granada Hills |
Tracee W | |
11:30 pm | Finding Faith | Hollywood Room |
Stags Of Sobriety (Cabrito House) Cabrito House Canoga Park |
Viktor F | |
Saturday, January 25 |
Time | Meeting | Room | Host Group | Leader | |
12:00 am | Sponsorship | Ventura Room |
U.S.R. Men's Discussion Meeting Location Northridge |
Kirk W | |
12:30 am | God of My Understanding | Hollywood Room |
Sabroso's "The Solution" Canoga Park Canoga Park |
Michael M | |
1:00 am | Turning it Over | Ventura Room |
LACYPAA Young People AA of LA County LA County |
Noah O | |
1:30 am | Check Your Motives | Hollywood Room | |||
2:00 am | Letting Go of Old Ideas | Ventura Room | |||
2:30 am | Humility | Hollywood Room | |||
3:00 am | The Family Afterwards | Ventura Room | |||
3:30 am | Working With Others | Hollywood Room | |||
4:00 am | You Will Intuitively Know | Ventura Room | |||
4:30 am | Acceptance | Hollywood Room | |||
5:00 am | Balancing Family and Recovery | Ventura Room | |||
5:30 am | Contrary Action | Hollywood Room |
Acceptance Candlelight Discussion St. Andrews Church Granada Hills |
Doug F | |
6:00 am | One Day at a Time | Beverly Hills Room |
Fun Bunch Discussion West Hills West Hills |
David G | |
6:00 am | Letting Go of Anger | Ventura Room |
Saturday Dumetz Women's Meeting Woodland Hills Community Church Woodland Hills |
Ana M | |
6:30 am | Love and Tolerance | Hollywood Room |
A Gathering of Men Studio City Studio City |
Christopher H | |
7:00 am | Rigorous Honesty | Ventura Room |
The Early Show Building South Pasadena |
Piper N | |
7:30 am | Attitude of Gratitude | Hollywood Room |
Valley Club 5:30 Meetings Valley Club Northridge |
Damon R | |
8:00 am | Tools of Recovery | Ventura Room |
The Burbank Group Burbank Burbank |
Bill H | |
10:30 am | Love Your Sober Life | Hollywood Room |
End of the Line Group Encino Encino |
Darren K | |
11:00 am | A Life Beyond My Dreams | Ventura Room |
Doing The Deal Woodland Hills Community Church Woodland Hills |
Sean L | |
11:30 am | Making Amends | Hollywood Room |
The Spirit of the Kukui Congregational Church of Chatsworth Chatsworth |
Sean V | |
12:30 pm | Living the AA Promises | Hollywood Room |
The Six Zoom Calabasas |
Stefani U | |
1:30 pm | Experience, Strength and Hope | Hollywood Room |
Beginners Candlelight Discussion Woodland Hills Presbyterian CHurch Woodland Hills |
Hallie R | |
2:30 pm | Defects of Character | Hollywood Room |
Into Action Lancaster Lancaster |
Ruben R | |
3:00 pm | Seeing My Part | Ventura Room |
Valley Club - Laugh Out Loud Meeting Location Northridge |
Derrick C | |
3:30 pm | Self Forgiveness | Hollywood Room |
Remain Teachable St. Paul's United Methodist Tarzana |
Avery S | |
4:00 pm | Trusting My Higher Power | Ventura Room |
Winner's Attitiude Adjustment Adat Eri el Valley Village |
Marnie B | |
4:30 pm | Putting Your House in Order | Hollywood Room |
Quality of Life Speaker Storefront Rear Reseda |
Nathan D | |
5:00 pm | Fear of Failure/Success | Ventura Room |
The Pacoima Group Pacoima Pacoima |
Tara K | |
5:30 pm | A Spiritual Awakening | Hollywood Room |
Dunsmore Sunday Speaker Meeting La Crescenta La Crescenta |
Pat K | |
6:00 pm | Daily Inventory | Beverly Hills Room |
Calabasas Group of A.A. Church in the Canyon Calabasas |
Ryan S | |
6:00 pm | Amends and Your Motives | Ventura Room |
Sunday Morning Speaker Sherman Oaks East Valley Adult Center Sherman Oaks |
Rich B | |
6:30 pm | Gift of Desperation | Hollywood Room |
C U Next Tuesday The Table Reseda |
Jessica H | |
7:00 pm | Back to Basics | Beverly Hills Room |
LTL - Learning To Live Encino Encino |
Dan P | |
7:30 pm | Establishing Boundaries | Hollywood Room |
Thursday Night Big Book Study Reseda Reseda |
Fred B | |
8:00 pm | Hope | Beverly Hills Room |
Friday Night FITS Cabrito House Canoga Park |
Donna D | |
8:30 pm | Powerless Over Alcohol | Hollywood Room |
Vanalden Park Meetings Northridge Northridge |
Robert L | |
9:00 pm | H.O.W. | Beverly Hills Room |
Woodland Hills Discussion Group Woodland Hills United Methodist Church Woodland Hills |
John D | |
9:30 pm | Recognizing Triggers | Hollywood Room |
Saturday Night Live Cabrito House Canoga Park |
Brian J | |
10:00 pm | Emotional Sobriety | Beverly Hills Room |
Simi Valley Men's Stag Simi Valley Simi Valley |
Garth C | |
10:00 pm | Integrity | Ventura Room |
The Valley Club Group Northridge Northridge |
Derrick C | |
10:30 pm | Wreckage of My Past | Hollywood Room |
Principles Before Pandemic Zoom Woodland Hills |
Piper N | |
11:00 pm | To Drink Is To Die | Ventura Room |
Frank Kelly Memorial Men's Stag Saint Martin-in-the-Fields Church Canoga Park |
Sonny S | |
11:30 pm | Habits of Sobriety | Hollywood Room |
Bad Girls Club Adat Ari El Temple Valley Village |
Amanda P | |
Sunday, January 26 |
Time | Meeting | Room | Host Group | Leader | |
12:00 am | Contempt Prior to Investigation | Ventura Room |
Men's Stag Hole In The Sky Canoga Park |
Bo P | |
12:30 am | Don't Leave Before the Miracle | Hollywood Room |
The Spirit of Kukui Popsicle Stick Valley Club Northridge |
Kristin M | |
1:00 am | Maintaining Serenity | Ventura Room | |||
1:30 am | Accepting Accountability | Hollywood Room | |||
2:00 am | Beyond Human Aid | Ventura Room | |||
2:30 am | Parenting in Sobriety | Hollywood Room | |||
3:00 am | Is Sobriety Enough? | Ventura Room | |||
3:30 am | Pause When Agitated | Hollywood Room | |||
4:00 am | Prayer and Meditation | Ventura Room | |||
4:30 am | Building Relationships | Hollywood Room | |||
5:00 am | Surrender | Ventura Room | |||
5:30 am | Avoiding Isolation | Hollywood Room | |||
6:00 am | More Will Be Revealed | Ventura Room |
The Table Group Reseda Reseda |
Tracy J | |
6:30 am | Considering Spiritual Terms | Hollywood Room |
New Attitude Burbank Burbank |
Sharon M | |
7:00 am | Happiness Through Sobriety | Ventura Room |
Out of the Hat Woodland Hills Community Church Woodland Hills |
Ge0rge M | |
7:30 am | A Vision for You | Hollywood Room |
Rule 62 Daily Men's Check-In Group West Hills West Hills |
Steve T | |
8:00 am | Staying In the Solution | Ventura Room |
The San Fernando Group San Fernando San Fernando |
Angelica H |
Friday, January 24 |
04:00 pm
A Life Worth Living
Jamie F Ventura Room Carry The Message Studio City Studio City |
04:30 pm
Willingness to Grow
David P Hollywood Room Sunday Speaker Cabrito House Canoga Park |
05:00 pm
We Are Not a Glum Lot
Erin S Ventura Room Pacific Group Speaker/Discussion St. Paul's United Methodist Tarzana |
05:30 pm
Spiritual Sobriety
Diane D Hollywood Room Women's Stag Hole In The Sky Canoga Park |
06:00 pm
Avoiding the First Drink
Michele R Ventura Room Shakers Fellowship Group Glendale Glendale |
06:30 pm
Carrying the Message
Suzanne K Hollywood Room We Are Responsible Christian Science Church Studio City |
07:00 pm
Jessica M Ventura Room Burbank Saturday Morning Womens Granada Hills Granada Hills |
07:30 pm
Restraint of Pen and Tongue
Sandy F Hollywood Room Sobriety First Congregational Church of Chatsworth Chatsworth |
08:00 pm
Principles Before Personalities
Robert G Ventura Room Chapter 12 Men's Stag Christian Science Church Studio City |
08:30 pm
Brandon C Hollywood Room Thursday Night Lights Cabrito House Canoga Park |
09:30 pm
Heather T Hollywood Room Hole in the Sky - Participation Hole In The Sky Canoga Park |
10:30 pm
Easy Does It
Katie H Hollywood Room Friday Night Newcomers Unitarian Universalist Church Studio City |
11:00 pm
Being of Service
Tracee W Ventura Room Sobriety Together Discussion St. Andrews Church Granada Hills |
11:30 pm
Finding Faith
Viktor F Hollywood Room Stags Of Sobriety (Cabrito House) Cabrito House Canoga Park |
Saturday, January 25 |
12:00 am
Kirk W Ventura Room U.S.R. Men's Discussion Meeting Location Northridge |
12:30 am
God of My Understanding
Michael M Hollywood Room Sabroso's "The Solution" Canoga Park Canoga Park |
01:00 am
Turning it Over
Noah O Ventura Room LACYPAA Young People AA of LA County LA County |
01:30 am
Check Your Motives
Hollywood Room |
02:00 am
Letting Go of Old Ideas
Ventura Room |
02:30 am
Hollywood Room |
03:00 am
The Family Afterwards
Ventura Room |
03:30 am
Working With Others
Hollywood Room |
04:00 am
You Will Intuitively Know
Ventura Room |
04:30 am
Hollywood Room |
05:00 am
Balancing Family and Recovery
Ventura Room |
05:30 am
Contrary Action
Doug F Hollywood Room Acceptance Candlelight Discussion St. Andrews Church Granada Hills |
06:00 am
One Day at a Time
David G Beverly Hills Room Fun Bunch Discussion West Hills West Hills |
06:00 am
Letting Go of Anger
Ana M Ventura Room Saturday Dumetz Women's Meeting Woodland Hills Community Church Woodland Hills |
06:30 am
Love and Tolerance
Christopher H Hollywood Room A Gathering of Men Studio City Studio City |
07:00 am
Rigorous Honesty
Piper N Ventura Room The Early Show Building South Pasadena |
07:30 am
Attitude of Gratitude
Damon R Hollywood Room Valley Club 5:30 Meetings Valley Club Northridge |
08:00 am
Tools of Recovery
Bill H Ventura Room The Burbank Group Burbank Burbank |
10:30 am
Love Your Sober Life
Darren K Hollywood Room End of the Line Group Encino Encino |
11:00 am
A Life Beyond My Dreams
Sean L Ventura Room Doing The Deal Woodland Hills Community Church Woodland Hills |
11:30 am
Making Amends
Sean V Hollywood Room The Spirit of the Kukui Congregational Church of Chatsworth Chatsworth |
12:30 pm
Living the AA Promises
Stefani U Hollywood Room The Six Zoom Calabasas |
01:30 pm
Experience, Strength and Hope
Hallie R Hollywood Room Beginners Candlelight Discussion Woodland Hills Presbyterian CHurch Woodland Hills |
02:30 pm
Defects of Character
Ruben R Hollywood Room Into Action Lancaster Lancaster |
03:00 pm
Seeing My Part
Derrick C Ventura Room Valley Club - Laugh Out Loud Meeting Location Northridge |
03:30 pm
Self Forgiveness
Avery S Hollywood Room Remain Teachable St. Paul's United Methodist Tarzana |
04:00 pm
Trusting My Higher Power
Marnie B Ventura Room Winner's Attitiude Adjustment Adat Eri el Valley Village |
04:30 pm
Putting Your House in Order
Nathan D Hollywood Room Quality of Life Speaker Storefront Rear Reseda |
05:00 pm
Fear of Failure/Success
Tara K Ventura Room The Pacoima Group Pacoima Pacoima |
05:30 pm
A Spiritual Awakening
Pat K Hollywood Room Dunsmore Sunday Speaker Meeting La Crescenta La Crescenta |
06:00 pm
Daily Inventory
Ryan S Beverly Hills Room Calabasas Group of A.A. Church in the Canyon Calabasas |
06:00 pm
Amends and Your Motives
Rich B Ventura Room Sunday Morning Speaker Sherman Oaks East Valley Adult Center Sherman Oaks |
06:30 pm
Gift of Desperation
Jessica H Hollywood Room C U Next Tuesday The Table Reseda |
07:00 pm
Back to Basics
Dan P Beverly Hills Room LTL - Learning To Live Encino Encino |
07:30 pm
Establishing Boundaries
Fred B Hollywood Room Thursday Night Big Book Study Reseda Reseda |
08:00 pm
Donna D Beverly Hills Room Friday Night FITS Cabrito House Canoga Park |
08:30 pm
Powerless Over Alcohol
Robert L Hollywood Room Vanalden Park Meetings Northridge Northridge |
09:00 pm
John D Beverly Hills Room Woodland Hills Discussion Group Woodland Hills United Methodist Church Woodland Hills |
09:30 pm
Recognizing Triggers
Brian J Hollywood Room Saturday Night Live Cabrito House Canoga Park |
10:00 pm
Emotional Sobriety
Garth C Beverly Hills Room Simi Valley Men's Stag Simi Valley Simi Valley |
10:00 pm
Derrick C Ventura Room The Valley Club Group Northridge Northridge |
10:30 pm
Wreckage of My Past
Piper N Hollywood Room Principles Before Pandemic Zoom Woodland Hills |
11:00 pm
To Drink Is To Die
Sonny S Ventura Room Frank Kelly Memorial Men's Stag Saint Martin-in-the-Fields Church Canoga Park |
11:30 pm
Habits of Sobriety
Amanda P Hollywood Room Bad Girls Club Adat Ari El Temple Valley Village |
Sunday, January 26 |
12:00 am
Contempt Prior to Investigation
Bo P Ventura Room Men's Stag Hole In The Sky Canoga Park |
12:30 am
Don't Leave Before the Miracle
Kristin M Hollywood Room The Spirit of Kukui Popsicle Stick Valley Club Northridge |
01:00 am
Maintaining Serenity
Ventura Room |
01:30 am
Accepting Accountability
Hollywood Room |
02:00 am
Beyond Human Aid
Ventura Room |
02:30 am
Parenting in Sobriety
Hollywood Room |
03:00 am
Is Sobriety Enough?
Ventura Room |
03:30 am
Pause When Agitated
Hollywood Room |
04:00 am
Prayer and Meditation
Ventura Room |
04:30 am
Building Relationships
Hollywood Room |
05:00 am
Ventura Room |
05:30 am
Avoiding Isolation
Hollywood Room |
06:00 am
More Will Be Revealed
Tracy J Ventura Room The Table Group Reseda Reseda |
06:30 am
Considering Spiritual Terms
Sharon M Hollywood Room New Attitude Burbank Burbank |
07:00 am
Happiness Through Sobriety
Ge0rge M Ventura Room Out of the Hat Woodland Hills Community Church Woodland Hills |
07:30 am
A Vision for You
Steve T Hollywood Room Rule 62 Daily Men's Check-In Group West Hills West Hills |
08:00 am
Staying In the Solution
Angelica H Ventura Room The San Fernando Group San Fernando San Fernando |